Staff Spotlight

Melanie Johnson, Concurrent Disorders Clinician

Melanie Johnson

Meet Melanie, who works in the outpatient short term assessment and treatment program at qathet Hospital in Powell River.

Today we are pleased to shine a light on Melanie Johnson, a Concurrent Disorders Clinician with Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) working in the outpatient short term assessment and treatment program at qathet Hospital in Powell River. “I provide counselling to adults with mental health and substance use challenges,” she says. “I love working with adult clients who want to improve their health and are brave enough to seek change and reach out for support.”

Finding her career at VCH

While completing her Masters of Social Work degree at the University of Hawaii, Melanie specialized in mental health. “When I moved back to Canada, I found out there was a job as an adult mental health counsellor at the hospital near me, and I was excited to apply and be part of the team.”

Melanie is part of a supportive team. “Whenever I encounter a challenging client situation, I seek assistance from my colleagues who are either fellow counselors or psychiatrists to provide me with the necessary support,” says Melanie. “I appreciate their guidance in assisting me to determine the most effective approaches to proceed with different clients.”

Inspirational moments

Throughout her career, Melanie has experienced numerous inspiring moments during her 19-year tenure at VCH. Over the years, there have been certain clients who have left a lasting impression on her as she had the honor of witnessing their brave efforts to transform their perspectives on the world and their everyday routines. “I am fortunate to witness the incredible impact that small changes can have on individuals, whether it involves changing their thoughts patterns and behaviors, exploring medication for depression or other mood disorders, or learning to seek the support they require,” she says. “I get to see the best in human nature - the unwavering desire to survive, the determination to overcome adversity, the acts of compassion and kindness, and people trying new things in order to live their best lives.”

At VCH, our values are: We Care for Everyone, We Are Always Learning and We Strive for Better Results. Melanie upholds these values and says, “I care deeply about each client and I see how hard they are working to be their best selves. It is a privilege to be part of their journey.”

A continuous learner, Melanie became certified in Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) last year, a newer evidence based eye movement therapy similar to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a psychotherapy approach developed to help individuals process and alleviate the distressing symptoms associated with traumatic experiences. “My manager was supportive and gave me days off work to attend the training, plus they bought an EMDR light for the office for all of us to use when we do eye movement therapies,” she says. “I have seen improved trauma treatment results using ART.”


Over the years, Melanie tells us that she has witnessed the “We Strive for Better Results” value play out due to the implementation of other evidence based therapeutic modalities.

Fun fact: Melanie did a solo bicycle ride from Canada to Mexico. She recalls often thinking of how challenging the ride was but directed her focus on how every single push of the pedal got her closer to the finish line. “I think back to that bike ride when doing counselling work with clients, or in other areas of my life,” she says. “When things get overwhelming, I remind myself and my clients to focus on doing one small task at a time. The idea that slow, steady, and consistent efforts are the key to all progress has never let me down.”

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