
  • Health Protection Offices

A personal service establishment (PSE) is an establishment in which a person provides a service to or on the body of another person, such as tattooing, piercing, tanning beds, and esthetic services

Environmental health officers (EHOs) conduct inspections at personal service establishments under the Regulated Activities Regulation and work with facility operators to guide approval processes, prevent health hazards, and reduce the risk of transmitting communicable diseases.

Opening a personal service establishment or a personal service at a temporary event

Operators are responsible for ensuring they comply with legislation, health authority policies, and municipal by-laws and obtaining all licences and/or approvals required to operate.

Environmental health offices

Guidelines and resources

Inspection reports

Environmental health officers conduct routine inspections of personal service establishments, as well as respond to public complaints.

Personal Service Establishment Closure Report

Want to report a complaint?

Please use our feedback form to share your concerns about a facility and would like to make a report.

Health protection feedback form

Some medical procedures, such as injections and wart removal, must be conducted by a regulated health professional. Professions that fall under the Health Professions Act and that are regulated under a professional association are not inspected by Vancouver Coastal Health. Some examples include registered acupuncturist, physiotherapists and registered massage therapists. See the Ministry of Health for more information on professional regulation.