Always go to the Emergency Department if you have been in a major accident or for potentially life-threatening symptoms.

Not sure if you need to go to the Emergency Department? Learn when to go or find other care options. 

The Emergency Department (ED) at Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. At this location, emergency care is available for patients requiring life-threatening medical attention due to illness, injury, or overdose.

Hours of operation

Currently open

We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

How to get here

Drop off area 

Please follow the signs for the Emergency Department. Patients who can walk or use a wheelchair can be dropped off outside the ED doors, and patients with limited mobility can be brought in through the ED entrance.


​Free parking is available in the parkade, and public transit is nearby.

Frequently asked questions

  • What should I bring to the Emergency Department?

    If possible, bring photo ID, your BC Services Card or CareCard and a list of any medications you are taking. If available, please also bring any Medical Orders of Scope of Treatment (MOST) forms or have a loved one bring them in. 

    We also suggest you minimize bringing personal belongings or valuables to the Emergency Department.

  • What happens when I arrive at the Emergency Department?

    • A Triage Nurse will assess your symptoms and vital signs upon arrival. Please have your photo ID, BC Services Card or CareCard, and a list of current medications ready.
    • Patients are seen in the Emergency Department based on how ill or injured they are. Those with the most critical conditions are seen first, regardless of arrival time.
    • Please be aware that your medical records from your family doctor are not accessible at the Emergency Department. Emergency doctors only have information about your medical history from previous visits to that hospital.
    • VCH Emergency Department staff are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of health care. During your visit to the ED, we appreciate your patience as we wait for test results, interpretations, consultations, and other information necessary for your diagnosis and treatment.
  • Where should I take my child in case of an emergency?

    If your child is experiencing a medical emergency, such as trouble breathing, loss of consciousness, or a mental health crisis, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency department.

    BC Children's Hospital Emergency Department in Vancouver is open 24 hours a day and provides emergency care to children and youth up to the age of 16. 

  • What happens when I'm ready to go home from the Emergency Department?

    • ‎Your health care team will work with you to help plan when you will go home. 
    • Your doctor may write you a prescription for medication and a nurse will give you instructions on how to take the medication. 
    • Try to arrange a family member or friend to drive or accompany you home.
    • Your health care team will work with you to coordinate any additional care that is required, such as home & community care services, care at another hospital or rehabilitation services.

Support for your visit

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Indigenous services and resources

High-quality, culturally-safe health-care services to assist Indigenous Peoples and their families.

Learn more

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Emergency mental health care

Learn what to expect before going to the hospital, at the hospital and leaving the hospital.

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Indigenous patient navigators

Provides direct patient and family support while respecting local traditions, protocols, and practices to ensure culturally safe health care services.

Learn more

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Interpreter services

If it's difficult for you to communicate with health-care staff in English, interpreter services are available free of charge. Please speak to a staff member if you or your family needs the help of an interpreter.

Learn more

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Patient feedback

We invite you to share your feedback through the Patient Care Quality Office, an accessible and transparent point of contact regarding the quality of care you receive.

Learn more


Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital

Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital is a 63-bed facility in Sechelt that also serves the communities of Langdale, Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Halfmoon Bay and Pender Harbour.

Emergency Department

Call 9-1-1 or go immediately to your nearest hospital Emergency Department if you or someone you know requires immediate medical help for an illness, injury, or overdose.