Electrocardiograms (ECGs) measure the electrical activity of the heart using skin electrodes to show abnormal heart rhythms.

What to expect

Services include Exercise Tolerance (Stress) Testing, Nuclear Medicine enhanced Exercise Tolerance (Stress) Testing, Nuclear Medicine enhanced and pharmaceutical induced Exercise Tolerance (Stress) Testing, 24-hour Holter Monitor testing,  and 12 and 18-lead electrocardiograms (ECG) that specialist physician Cardiologists interpret.

ECGs measure the heart's electrical activity using skin electrodes to show abnormal heart rhythms.  Exercise Tolerance Testing measures the electrical activity of the heart during exercise.  Holter monitor testing measures the electrical activity of the heart over a day.

Find this service near you

  • Electrocardiograms at UBC Hospital

    2211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver
  • Electrocardiograms at Vancouver General Hospital

    2775 Laurel Street Vancouver