Eye Bank of British Columbia

Related topics: Organ transplant

The Eye Bank of British Columbia allows people in BC to choose eye donation. Individuals can leave a legacy by providing up to 8 people with corneal and sclera graft transplants.

Seeing is believing

The Eye Bank of BC provides people in BC with the opportunity to choose eye donation. Individuals can leave a legacy by providing up to 8 people with corneal and sclera graft transplants. Tissue may also be used to further research efforts into treating and preventing ocular disease. 

Currently, there are over 400 BC residents in need of a cornea transplant. This number is expected to increase due to the aging patient population.   By choosing eye donation individuals have the opportunity to leave a legacy by providing up to 8 people with transplants of ocular tissue.


Become an eye donor

Why donate?

Currently, there are over 400 BC residents in need of a cornea transplant. This number is expected to increase due to the aging patient population.   By choosing eye donation individuals have the opportunity to leave a legacy by providing up to 8 people with transplants of ocular tissue.

Who can donate?

  • Even people who wear glasses, who are blind, or suffer from cataracts or glaucoma may donate their eyes.
  • People with most forms of cancer may donate their eyes.
  • A thorough medical history review is completed at the time of death to ensure a person is eligible for eye donation.

A sample of ruleout conditions would include:

  • HIV, Hepatitis B, and/or Hepatitis C infection
  • ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
  • Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, melanoma, and ocular cancers

Who benefits from eye donation?

  • Up to two people may receive corneal transplants.
  • Up to six people may receive a sclera graft.
  • Tissue can be used to further research and education efforts into the treatment and prevention of ocular disease.
  • Donor families can derive a sense of comfort by knowing that their loved one has provided the gift of sight.

Register to become an eye donor

Register your decision on the BC Transplant registry to become an eye donor.