Food Asset Maps

Related topics: Public Health

abstract illustration representing sand

Food asset maps help the community locate food assets, build community capacity and help community partners use food assets strategically.

What to expect

VCH public health dietitians partnered with Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks, North Shore Table Matters Network, Squamish Food Policy Council, UBC Land and Food Systems students and instructors, the City of Vancouver and Fresh Roots to create Food Asset Maps. The maps below highlight food assets located in local communities.

*Community food security exists when "… all community residents obtain a safe, personally acceptable, nutritious diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes healthy choices, community self-reliance and equal access for everyone" (Hamm and Bellows, 2003)



This map will continue to be improved and updated with the help of community members and partners. If you would like to add an asset to the Vancouver map, please email with the following information about the asset: Full name, website name and URL, phone number, email, and physical address, including postal code.

Vancouver food asset map

Free and low cost food programs in Vancouver


Richmond Public Health, in partnership with Richmond Food Security Society, UBC Land and Food Systems, and the City of Richmond, developed this food asset map. The Richmond Food Asset Map listings are no longer up-to-date, so please confirm by phone any food assets you wish to visit. Please use this temporary "Richmond Emergency Food Asset Map" for the current status of Emergency food services in Richmond. As services can change quickly, consider contacting the organizations or stores to confirm their hours or delivery/pick-up options. If you notice any needed updates, please email us at

Richmond Community food asset map

Richmond emergency food asset map


North Shore

Many food service organizations on the North Shore provide free or low-cost groceries and meals, and regular grocery stores that accept grocery orders by phone/internet with delivery for those who can’t shop in person. Below is a link to a list of these providers and their services. On the North Shore Table Matters Network food asset web page, scroll down to find listings and PDF versions of resources.

North Shore Community food asset map

How to access free and low cost meals and food on the North shore

Ways to access groceries on the North Shore

Sunshine Coast

With help from One Straw Society, Sunshine Coast Public Health has developed a resource that allows members of our community to find current food assets anywhere between Pender Harbour and Port Mellon. If you would like to add or update a Food Asset, please email

Sunshine Coast food asset map


Suggestions and questions for the Squamish-Lillooet Map? Contact

Squamish-Lillooet food asset map