Transitional Rehab Unit (TRU)

The Transitional Rehab Unit in the G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre supports clients who are medically stable but not quite rehab-ready due to issues of tolerance or other factors. The average stay on this unit is two to three weeks, sometimes much shorter.

The unit supports clients who are medically stable but not quite rehab-ready due to issues of tolerance or other factors. The average stay on this unit is two to three weeks, sometimes much shorter. This unit is located on the 3rd floor of the G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre.

You may transfer to the G.F. Strong TRU for a variety of reasons, including: 

  1. Improve your activity tolerance so you can move on to a more intensive rehab inpatient program. 
  2. Provide more medical care due to your needs for specific interventions, such as NG (nasogastric) tube feeds. 
  3. Provide a less intensive rehab environment while awaiting a more intensive program that is temporarily full. 

On TRU, the frequency and duration of therapy sessions are normally less than on the intensive rehab programs, but the team will help you work toward your rehab goals.   

Most of the clients on TRU will move on to one of three high-intensity inpatient programs at G.F. Strong:  

  • Spinal Cord Injury program (SCI) – 2nd floor  
  • Acquired Brain Injury program (ABI) – 3rd floor  
  • Neuromuscularskeletal program (NMS) - 4th floor  

Some clients even recover enough to go home directly from TRU.  Your care team will work with you to determine your rehab needs, goals, and recovery pathways.