施設を探す バンクーバー・コースタル・ヘルス(Vancouver Costal Health)は、BC州のコースト、リッチモンド、バンクーバーの各地区で、病院、緊急・初期医療センター(urgent and primary care centre)など、120以上の施設を運営しています。 名前 サービス すべてのサービス Acquired Brain Injury Inpatient Program Acquired Brain Injury Outpatient (ABI OP) Program Acute and Short-Term Crisis Intervention Acute Home-Based Treatment (AHBT) Addiction Medicine Addiction Recovery Program (ARP) Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Outpatient Program Adolescent Complex Concussion Clinic (ACCC) Outpatient Services Adult Day Programs Adult Intensive Tertiary Mental Health Rehabilitation Services Adult Mental Health Teams Adult Metabolic Disease Clinic Air Quality Programs Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Clinic Ambulatory Care Outpatient Services Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Related Disorders Clinic Antepartum Assessment Outpatient Service Aphasia Education Workshop Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Teams Assisted Living Assistive Technology Services Asthma & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Education Programs Automated Blood Pressure (ABP) Monitor Testing BC Leukemia Bone Marrow Transplant Program BC Operational Stress Injury (BC OSI) Clinic BC Psychosis Program Bladder Care Centres Bone Densitometry (Bone Density Testing) Boundaries Program (FACES) Breast Milk Donation Breast Reconstruction Program Brenda and David Mclean Integrated Spine Clinic Bronchoscopy Cancer Care Clinics Cardiac Atrial Fibrillation Clinics Cardiac Function Clinics Cardiac Interventional Procedure Unit (Cardiac Cathlab) Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Sciences Programs Choice in Support for Independent Living Chronic Disease Management Services Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinics Coastal Community Kitchen: Support for Foster Parents Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation for Substance Use program (CARSU) Community Bathing Program Community Rehabilitation and Resource Team Community Transition Teams Complex and Rapid Early Stabilization (CARES) Clinic Complex Seating and Mobility Service Complex Wound Clinics Computed Tomography (CT) Connect Parent Group (FACES) Convalescent Care Deep Brain Stimulation Clinic Dental Public Health Children's Program Dentistry Clinics Dermatology Clinics Detox Services Diabetes Education Centres Diabetes Foot Care Dialysis Access Clinics Dietitian Outpatient Clinic Driver Rehabilitation Program Drug Checking Ear, Nose and Throat Clinics (ENT) Echocardiography Elders in Residence Electrocardiograms Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Electroencephalogram (EEG) Services Electromyography Services (EMG) Endoscopy Clinics Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Epilepsy Programs Equipment Evaluation Services Every Day Counts Program Eye Care Services Fall Prevention Services Family Peer Support Fitness & Wellness Centres Fluoroscopy Food Skills for Families Foundations Program (FACES) - Foster Families Support G.F. Strong Adult Concussion Services (GFACS) G.F. Strong Outpatient Amputee Program G.F. Strong School Program Gastroenterology General Paediatric Clinic Generation Health Clinic - Program in Chinese Geriatric Medicine Gift Shops Gynecology Clinics Hand Injury, Burns & Plastics Surgery Outpatient Clinics Harm Reduction Supplies & Needle Distribution Sites Health Protection Offices Health Services for Community Living Healthiest Babies Possible Program Healthy Families Program Hearing Screening Hearing Services Hip & Knee Arthritis Surgical Assessment Program (ASAP) HIV Clinics Home Health Home Oxygen Program Home Rehabilitation Services HOpe Centre Family Support Hospital at Home Hospital resource centres How to access mental health and substance use services Huntington's Disease Services Hydrocephalus Clinic Hyperbaric Chambers Immunization Clinics Independent Dialysis Centre Indigenous Patient Navigators (IPNs) Inpatient Paediatric Services Intensive Care Units (ICU) Intensive Case Management Teams Intensive Rehabilitation Day Program (IRDP) Intensive Rehabilitation Outpatient Program Interdisciplinary Spasticity Management Clinic Internal Medicine Rapid Access Clinics Interventional Radiography Intrathecal Baclofen Clinic Ketamine Intervention Program for Treatment-Resistant Depression Kidney Clinics Laboratory Services Living Donor Programs Long-Term Cardiac Monitoring Long-Term Care Homes Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Mammography Mary Pack Arthritis Program (MPAP) Clinics Maternity Services Meals on Wheels Mental Health and Substance Use Outpatient Services Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery Minor Surgery Clinic Mood Disorders Clinic Movement Disorders Treatment Multiple Sclerosis Services Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) Neurocritical Care Neurological Rehabilitation Outpatient Program Neuromuscular Disease Services Neuromusculoskeletal Inpatient Program Neuromusculoskeletal Outpatient Program Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Program Neuropsychiatry Program Neurosurgery Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) Disease Clinic Nuclear Medicine Nutrition Outpatient Counselling Nutrition Workshops Older Adult Mental Health Programs Oncology Clinics Orthopaedics Trauma Clinic Orthotic & Prosthetic Services Outpatient Infusion Clinics Outpatient Swallowing Clinic Overdose Outreach Teams Overnight Respite Programs Pacemaker Follow-Up Clinics Paediatric Asthma Clinics Paediatric Nursing Support Services Paediatric Teams Pain Clinic Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Hospices Palliative Care in Hospitals Palliative Care through Outpatient Clinics and Programs PeriOperative Anaphylaxis Clinic (POAC) Personalized Support & Stabilization Team Plus (PSS+) Pharmacy Services Physiotherapy Elder Care Outpatient Clinic Pre-Anesthesia Clinics Prenatal & Early Years Program Primary Care Clinics Prism Services Prostate Cancer Supportive Care (PCSC) Program Provincial Voice Care Resource Program (PVCRP) Psoriasis & phototherapy clinics Psychiatric Crisis & Emergency Services Psychiatric Inpatient Services Psychiatry Consultation Clinic Pulmonary Function Tests Pulmonary Outpatient Clinics Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs Rapid Access Consult Clinic (RACC) Rapid Access Neurology Rapid Access Spinal Clinics Rapid Access Spine Triage Program ReAct Adult Protection Program Regional ADHD Clinic Respiratory Disease Education Program Respiratory Services Respiratory Therapy & Pulmonary Diagnostics Richmond Mental Health Consumer and Friends’ Society (RCFC) Richmond Reproductive Mental Health Counselling Services Richmond Reproductive Psychiatry Sacred Spaces and Gathering Places Seizure Intervention Unit (SIU) Sexual Assault Services (SAS) Sexual Health Clinics Sexual Health Rehabilitation Service Sexual Medicine Services Sheway Pregnancy Outreach Program Short-Term Assessment & Treatment Centre (STAT) for Seniors Simulation Centres Sisters Together Active in Recovery (STAR) Sleep Disorder Clinic Speech & Language Services Spinal Cord Injury Inpatient Program Spinal Cord Injury Outpatient Programs Spiritual Health and Multi-Faith Services Steps Services STOP HIV Outreach Team Stroke Prevention Clinic (TIA Rapid Access Clinic) Substance Use Counselling Substance Use Public Education Substance-Use Treatment And Response Team (START) Suicide Attempt, Follow-up, Education & Research (S.A.F.E.R.) Supervised Consumption and Overdose Prevention Sites Technology Independence Centres (TIC) Tertiary Mental Health and Substance Use Services The Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Deaf-Blind Well-Being Program (WBP) The Gender Surgery Program B.C. The Prostate Clinic The Richmond Grief Support Group Therapy Pools Tobacco & Vapour Products Enforcement Program Trans Specialty Care Transitional Pain Clinics Transitions Program Transplant Post-Assessment Clinic Transplant Pre-Assessment Clinics Trauma Clinics Travel Clinic and Vaccination Clinic UBC Student Health Services Ultrasound Urology Outpatient Clinics Vancouver Addiction Matrix Program (VAMP) Vancouver Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Teams Vancouver Integrated Supervision Unit (VISU) Vancouver Intensive Health Outreach Team (IHOT) VGH Centre for Cardiovascular Health VGH Diabetes Centre Vocational Rehabilitation Services Vulvar Pain Assessment Clinic (VPAC) Well Wishes Program Winning at Losing Program Wound Care X-Ray Youth & Young Adult Drop-In Clinics Youth Concurrent Disorders Services Youth Pregnancy & Parenting Program (YPPP) サンシャインコースト青少年プログラム ダウンタウンイーストサイド青少年アウトリーチチーム(YOT) ファウンドリー・ワークス ユースクリニック 子供と青少年のためのクロスカルチャー メンタルヘルスプログラム 子供と青少年のための統合チーム(ICY)(Integrated Child & Youth) (ICY) 子供と青少年の緊急対応メンタルヘルスサービス 幼児のメンタルヘルスサービス 摂食障害プログラム 注意欠陥・多動性障害(ADHD)の家族教育 精神症早期介入(EPI)プログラム 青少年と若年成人のドロップイン・メンタルヘルス・カウンセリング 青少年のためのアサーティブアウトリーチ メンタルヘルスチーム 青少年ピアサポート 青少年外来治療プログラム 青少年集中症例管理チーム(YICMT) 施設 すべての施設 その他 コミュニティヘルスセンター トラベルクリニック ハームリダクション施設 ホスピス メンタルヘルスクリニック 介護付き施設 危機介入施設 環境衛生&調査事務所 病院 緊急・初期医療センター 長期介護付きホーム 場所 184件を表示中 近い順 ABC順 フィルター その他 1212 West Broadway Suite 401, 1212 West Broadway Vancouver その他 126 East 15th Street 126 East 15th street North Vancouver その他 283 E 11th Ave 283 E 11th Ave Vancouver その他 312 Main Street 312 Main Street Vancouver その他 520 West 6th Avenue 520 West 6th Avenue Vancouver その他 550 Cambie Street Suite 200, 550 Cambie Street Vancouver 環境衛生&調査事務所 601 West Broadway 12th floor, suite 1200, 601 West Broadway Vancouver その他 6100 Bowling Green Road 6100 Bowling Green Road Richmond その他 747 Fort Street 747 Fort St. Victoria その他 786 Powell Street 786 Powell St. Vancouver 病院 865 W 10th Ave 865 W 10th Ave Vancouver その他 999 West Broadway 999 West Broadway, 3rd Floor Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Adanac Park Lodge 851 Boundary Road Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Arbutus Care Centre 4505 Valley Drive Vancouver 介護付き施設 Austin Harris Residence 5411 Moncton Street Richmond 病院 Bella Coola General Hospital 1025 Elcho Street Bella Coola 長期介護付きホーム Berkley Care Centre 2444 Burr Place North Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Blenheim Lodge 3263 Blenheim Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Braddan Private Hospital 2450 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Broadway Pentecostal Lodge 1377 Lamey's Mill Road Vancouver その他 Burnaby Centre 4211 Kingsway Street Burnaby その他 Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House 4065 Victoria Drive Vancouver 介護付き施設 Cedar Garden 1250 Cedar Village Close North Vancouver 介護付き施設 Cedars Hopehill 3355 East 5th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Cedarview Lodge 1200 Cedar Village Close North Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Central City Lodge 415 West Pender Street Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Central Community Health Centre 132 West Esplanade North Vancouver その他 Chown Adult Day Centre 594 East 15th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Christenson Village 585 Shaw Road Gibsons 介護付き施設 Churchill House 150 West 29th Street North Vancouver 病院 Chénchenstway 7550 Rosewood Street Burnaby 緊急・初期医療センター City Centre Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) Ground Floor, 1290 Hornby Street Vancouver 介護付き施設 Clarendon Court 6404 Clarendon Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Columbus Residence 704 West 69th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Cooper Place 306 East Cordova Street Vancouver 介護付き施設 Courtyard Gardens 7051 Moffatt Road Richmond その他 Cranbrook Health Centre 20 - 23rd Avenue South Cranbrook 長期介護付きホーム Creekstone Care Centre 1526 Oxford Street North Vancouver その他 Crossreach 3348 West Broadway Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Dogwood Care Home 7405 Paulson St Vancouver ホスピス Dogwood Lodge 500 West 57th Avenue Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Downtown Community Health Centre 569 Powell Street Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Downtown Eastside Connections 429 Alexander Street Vancouver その他 East Richmond Community Hall 200 - 12360 Cambie Road Richmond コミュニティヘルスセンター Evergreen Community Health Centre 3425 Crowley Drive Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Evergreen Extended Care 4970 Joyce Avenue Powell River 長期介護付きホーム Evergreen House 231 East 15th Street North Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Fair Haven Homes Society 2720 East 48th Avenue Vancouver 介護付き施設 Family Respite Centre 2711 East 49th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Finnish Home 2288 Harrison Drive Vancouver メンタルヘルスクリニック Foundry North Shore 211 West 1st Street North Vancouver メンタルヘルスクリニック Foundry Richmond #101-5811 Cooney Road Richmond 長期介護付きホーム Fraserview Retirement Community 9580 Williams Road Richmond 病院 G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre 4255 Laurel Street Vancouver その他 Garratt Wellness Centre 7504 Chelsea Place Richmond 長期介護付きホーム George Pearson Centre 700 West 57th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム German Canadian Care Home 2010 Harrison Drive Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Get Your Drugs Tested 880 East Hastings Street Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Gibsons Health Unit 821 Gibsons Way Gibsons メンタルヘルスクリニック Goldcorp Centre for Mental Health (Northeast) 2750 East Hastings Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Hamilton Village Care Centre 23111 Garripie Avenue Richmond 介護付き施設 Harmony House 580 Shanghai Alley Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Haro Park Centre 1233 Haro Street Vancouver その他 HealthConnection Clinic 148 East 15th Street North Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Heatley Community Health Centre 330 Heatley Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Hilltop House 38146 Behrner Drive Squamish 長期介護付きホーム Holy Family Hospital 7801 Argyle St Vancouver その他 Home health & home support Bella Coola P.O. Box 220 Bella Coola ハームリダクション施設 Hope to Health 611 Powell street Vancouver 介護付き施設 Hopehill 3355 East 5th Avenue Vancouver 介護付き施設 Icelandic Harbour 2020 Harrison Drive Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Inglewood Care Centre 725 Inglewood Avenue West Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Insite 139 East Hastings Street Vancouver その他 Jackson Lam Adult Day Centre 5411 Moncton Street Richmond その他 Jewish Community Centre 950 West 41st Avenue Vancouver その他 John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 West 1st Street North Vancouver その他 Kerrisdale Community Centre 5851 West Boulevard Vancouver 介護付き施設 Kiwanis Garden Manor 4923 Kiwanis Avenue Powell River 介護付き施設 Kiwanis Manor 959 21st Street West Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Kopernik Lodge 3150 Rosemont Drive Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Lakeview Care Centre 3490 Porter Street Vancouver 病院 Lions Gate Hospital (LGH) 231 East 15th Street North Vancouver 介護付き施設 Little Mountain Court 250 East 36th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Little Mountain Place 330 East 36th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Lynn Valley Care Centre 1070 Lynn Valley Road North Vancouver 危機介入施設 Magnolia House 720 East 17th Street North Vancouver その他 Margaret Fulton Centre 1601 Forbes Avenue North Vancouver ホスピス May's Place Hospice 333 Powell Street Vancouver 介護付き施設 Millennium Tower 1175 Broughton Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Minoru Residence 7333 Gollner Avenue Richmond ハームリダクション施設 Molson Overdose Prevention Site (MOPS) 166 East Hastings Street (Alley) Vancouver 病院 Mount Saint Joseph Hospital 3080 Prince Edward Street Vancouver その他 Nancy Chan Ambulatory Palliative Care Clinic #200 - 4088 Cambie Street Vancouver ホスピス North Shore Hospice 319 East 14th Street North Vancouver 緊急・初期医療センター North Vancouver Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) Suite 200, 2nd Floor, 221 West Esplanade North Vancouver 緊急・初期医療センター Northeast Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) 102-2788 East Hastings Street Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Onsite Detox Facility 137 East Hastings Street Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Overdose Prevention Society (OPS) 141 East Hastings Street Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Overdose Prevention Society Inhalation Tent 141 East Hastings Street Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Pacific Spirit Community Health Centre 2110 West 43rd Avenue Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Parkgate Community Health Centre 2nd floor, 3625 Banff Court North Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Pemberton Health Centre 1403 Portage Road, PO Box 8 Pemberton コミュニティヘルスセンター Pender Community Health Centre 59 West Pender Street Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Pender Harbour and District Health Centre 5066 Francis Peninsula Road Madeira Park その他 Penticton Regional Hospital 550 Carmi Avenue Penticton 長期介護付きホーム Pinegrove Place 11331 Mellis Drive Richmond 長期介護付きホーム Point Grey Private Hospital 2423 Cornwall Avenue Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Powell Street Getaway 450 E Hastings St Vancouver その他 Professional Centre 145 West 17th Street North Vancouver 病院 qathet General Hospital 5000 Joyce Avenue Powell River コミュニティヘルスセンター Raven Song Community Health Centre 2450 Ontario Street Vancouver 緊急・初期医療センター REACH Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) 1145 Commercial Drive Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Renfrew Care Centre 1880 Renfrew Street Vancouver その他 Renfrew Centre 2889 East 12th Avenue Vancouver 介護付き施設 Renfrew Collingwood Seniors Centre 2970 East 22nd Avenue Vancouver 危機介入施設 Richmond Bridge House 10220 Granville Avenue Richmond 緊急・初期医療センター Richmond City Centre Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) #110, 4671 No. 3 Road Richmond その他 Richmond Community Health Access Centre (CHAC) 7671 Alderbridge Way Richmond 緊急・初期医療センター Richmond East Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) #95-10551 Shellbridge Way Richmond 病院 Richmond Hospital (RH) 7000 Westminster Highway Richmond 長期介護付きホーム Richmond Lions Manor Bridgeport 9020 Bridgeport Road Richmond その他 Richmond Place – 8100 Granville Avenue 8100 Granville Avenue Richmond コミュニティヘルスセンター Robert & Lily Lee Family Community Health Centre 1669 East Broadway Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Rosewood Manor 6260 Blundell Road Richmond 長期介護付きホーム Royal Arch Masonic Home 7850 Champlain Crescent Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Royal Ascot Care Centre 2455 East Broadway Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Simon K.Y. Lee Seniors Care Home 555 Carrall Street Vancouver ホスピス Salvation Army Rotary Hospice House 6460 No. 4 Road Richmond コミュニティヘルスセンター Sechelt Health Unit PO Box 1040, 5571 Inlet Avenue Sechelt ハームリダクション施設 Sechelt Overdose Prevention Site 5653 Wharf Avenue (Parking lot) Vancouver 病院 Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital 5544 Sunshine Coast Highway Sechelt 介護付き施設 Shannon Falls Retirement Residence 38225 3rd Avenue Squamish その他 Shellbridge Family Health Clinic 10551 Shellbridge Way, Unit 90 Richmond コミュニティヘルスセンター Sheway 533 East Hastings Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Silverstone Care Centre 5625 Derby Road Sechelt その他 Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School 419 East 24th Ave Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 SisterSpace 135 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 SisterSquare Inhalation Tent Jackson and Powell Street Vancouver その他 South Arm Community Centre 8880 Williams Road Richmond コミュニティヘルスセンター South Community Health Centre 6405 Knight Street Vancouver メンタルヘルスクリニック South Mental Health and Substance Use Team 1200 West 73rd Avenue, Suite 220 Vancouver その他 South Vancouver Adult Day Centre #345 - 3150 East 54th Avenue Vancouver 緊急・初期医療センター Southeast Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC) 5880 Victoria Drive Vancouver 介護付き施設 Southview Heights 7252 Kerr Street Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Squamish Community Health Centre 1140 Hunter Place Squamish 病院 Squamish General Hospital 38140 Behrner Drive Squamish メンタルヘルスクリニック Squamish Mental Health & Substance Use Services 38075 2nd Avenue, P.O. Box 220 Squamish ハームリダクション施設 Squamish Overdose Prevention Site 37930 Third Ave Squamish 介護付き施設 St Vincent's: Honoria Conway-Heather 4875 Heather Street Vancouver ホスピス St. John Hospice 6389 Stadium Road Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム St. Jude's Anglican Home 810 West 27th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム St. Vincent's Langara 255 West 62nd Avenue Vancouver 病院 St. Vincent's: Brock Fahrni 4500 Oak Street Vancouver メンタルヘルスクリニック Sumac Place 841 Kiwanis Way Gibsons その他 Sunshine Coast Home Support 5630 Inlet Avenue Sechelt その他 Teredo Square 5710 Teredo St Sechelt 長期介護付きホーム The Louis Brier Home & Hospital 1055 West 41st Avenue Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Thomus Donaghy Overdose Prevention Site 1060 Howe Street Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター Three Bridges Community Health Centre (West End) 1128 Hornby Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Three Links Care Centre 2934 East 22nd Avenue Vancouver 病院 UBC Hospital (UBCH) 2211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver その他 Urban Native Youth Association (UNYA) 1618 E Hastings Street Vancouver その他 Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute 6th floor, 2635 Laurel Street Vancouver その他 Vancouver Court Community Corrections 275 East Cordova Street Vancouver ハームリダクション施設 Vancouver Detoxification Centre 377 East 2nd Avenue Vancouver 病院 Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) 899 West 12th Avenue Vancouver ホスピス Vancouver Hospice Society 4615 Granville Street Vancouver トラベルクリニック VCH Travel Clinic 601 West Broadway, Lower level, L-5, Vancouver 危機介入施設 Venture 220 East 13th Avenue Vancouver その他 Victoria Arthritis Centre 2680 Richmond Road Victoria 長期介護付きホーム Villa Carital 3050 Penticton Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Villa Cathay Care Home 970 Union Street Vancouver 介護付き施設 Weinberg Residence 5650 Osler Street Vancouver その他 West End Adult Day Centre 2110 West 12th Avenue Vancouver その他 West Vancouver Adult Day Centre 2151 Gordon Avenue, Suite 139 West Vancouver コミュニティヘルスセンター West Vancouver Community Health Centre 2121 Marine Drive West Vancouver 介護付き施設 Westwinds Squamish Senior Living 38275 3 Ave Squamish ホスピス Whistler Blackcomb Foundation Sea to Sky Community Hospice 38146 Behrner Drive Squamish コミュニティヘルスセンター Whistler Health Care Centre 4380 Lorimer Road Whistler 長期介護付きホーム Willingdon Creek Village Residence 4980 Kiwanis Avenue Powell River 長期介護付きホーム Windermere Care Centre 900 West 12th Avenue Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Yaletown House 1099 Cambie Street Vancouver 長期介護付きホーム Youville Residence 4950 Heather Street Vancouver 病院 ƛ̓uxválásu̓ilas Heiltsuk Hospital (formerly R.W. Large Memorial Hospital) 88 Waglisla Street Bella Bella