Geometric pattern of mountains


如果有安全上的緊急顧慮,請致電 9-1-1 或就近前往醫院急診室。

自殺防治專線: 1-800-784-2433

撥打卑詩省危機專線 (BC Crisis Line): 604-310-6789

兒童協助電話 (Kids Hellp Phone): 1-800-668-6868

KUU-US 危機支援專線 (Crisis Support Line)(卑詩全省原住民免費危機與支援專線 (BC Wide Indigenous Toll Free Crisis and Support Line)): 1-800-588-8717


青少年當日治療計劃 (Youth Day Treatment Program ) 針對想要改變自己的藥物使用的年輕人,提供門診物質成癮治療計劃。


  • 查看是否符合資格

    • 16 歲 至 24 歲青少年
    • 居住在溫哥華沿岸衛生局 (VCH) 轄區內
    • 希望改變他們的成癮物質使用方式
  • 獲取轉介



  • 星期一:   8:30 上午 to 4:30 下午
  • 星期二:   8:30 上午 to 4:30 下午
  • 星期三:   8:30 上午 to 4:30 下午
  • 星期四:   8:30 上午 to 4:30 下午
  • 星期五:   8:30 上午 to 4:30 下午
  • 星期六:   休息
  • 星期日:   休息

Closed on statutory holidays.

Parking & Transportation

If taking a bus, please take #20, #9 or #99 and get off at East Broadway and Commercial Drive. If taking the Sky Train, go to the Expo or Millennium Line to Broadway-Commercial station.

There is underground pay parking directly beneath our building. Access this lot from the lane on the east side of Woodland street or the west side of Commercial Drive. Surrounding street parking is also available.

Robert & Lily Lee Family Community Health Centre

At Robert and Lily Lee Family Community Health Centre, you can get basic health care and learn how to keep yourself healthy. We provide services for people of all ages. The Centre works with community organizations and health care providers, such as your family doctor, to keep people and communities healthy.


青少年當日治療計劃 (The Youth Day Treatment Program) 是針對溫哥華沿岸衛生局 (VCH) 轄區內 16 至 24 歲青少年的門診藥物使用治療計劃,目的是改變他們的藥物使用情況。