Smoke scattered throughout the mountainside

Sustainability at the core of how VCH delivers care

VCH has developed a Planetary Health Strategy for 2024-2029. The strategy is comprehensive in its approach, with sustainability at the core of how VCH delivers care.

Falling under the main areas of work outlined in the strategy, some initiatives include:

  • Embedding climate risk and resilience planning into capital projects
  • Reducing anesthesia-related greenhouse gas emissions
  • Pursuing lower carbon and more efficient modes of keeping patients warm when they are getting surgery
  • Initiating four capital infrastructure emission reduction projects to reduce VCH’s carbon emissions equivalent to removing an estimated 896 cars from the road
  • Achieving or exceeding 50 per cent landfill waste diversion at six facilities
  • Establishing a program and creating resources to support wellness checks for individuals who are more vulnerable to the impacts of extreme heat events

Reducing emissions

VCH is committed to reducing its environmental footprint and supporting projects that provide environmental health benefits to staff, medical staff and communities. 

EV charging stations align with the provincial Clean BC climate strategy and support the commitment to provide environmentally-conscious ways for teams and visitors to support VCH’s planetary health strategy. Electrifying on-road transportation is one of the many ways the organization plans to reduce emissions and make a significant impact on the health of communities and the planet. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are available for staff, medical staff and patients/visitors with electric vehicles requiring a charge. 

By the end of 2024, EV charging stations will have been installed at Lions Gate Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Richmond Hospital, GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Squamish General Hospital, Sechelt Hospital and qathet General Hospital. 


sites will have EV charging stations installed including Lions Gate Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Richmond Hospital, GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Squamish General Hospital, Sechelt Hospital and qathet General Hospital, by the end of 2024


level 2 EV charging stations and 16 level 3 (DC fast charger) EV charging stations


staff on average per month participated in the VCH Transit Incentive Program in 2023


shuttle rides were provided to staff and medical staff in 2023

a drone photo from the sky of a winding river in a thick forest

GreenCare network

GreenCare is a network that unites efforts across the B.C. health-care community to advance the health-care system toward environmentally sustainable and resilient care for healthy people, places and the planet. 

Visit the GreenCare website
Front cover of a report entitled "Protecting Population Health in a Climate Emergency"

Chief Medical Health Office Report: Protecting Population Health in a Climate Emergency

A report released by Dr. Patricia Daly, Chief Medical Health Officer for VCH, identifies populations in the region facing urgent harms to health due to climate change. This report, Protecting Population Health in a Climate Emergency, brings together multiple sources of data and analyses to describe the impacts of climate change on population health, and to examine the most significant impacts experienced and anticipated in the region. The report also documents significant work already underway from local governments, Indigenous communities and community partners to mitigate climate change and adapt to protect those at risk. 

Read the full report
Cover of a report entitled "2023 Vancouver Coastal Health Environmental Performance Accountability Report"

Environmental Performance Accountability Report

Read the latest Environmental Performance Accountability Report.

Read the full report