
烟雾中含有非常小的污染颗粒——被称为细颗粒物或 PM (Particulate Matter, PM) ——当您吸气时,它们会深入肺部。这些细颗粒会产生刺激并导致发炎。在山火烟雾中的所有污染物中,细颗粒物对健康构成的威胁最大。 请从卑诗省疾病控制中心 (BC Centre for Disease Control, BCCDC)的这份资料单张中,了解有关山火烟雾构成的更多信息。
- 咽喉痛
- 眼睛刺激
- 流鼻涕
- 轻度咳嗽
- 生痰
- 喘息式呼吸
- 头痛
有些人可能会出现更严重的症状,并应及时就医。如果您遇到以下情况,请拨打8-1-1 致电卑诗省健康联线(HealthLink BC) ,也可以咨询基层医护人员或前往免预约诊所:
- 呼吸急促
- 剧烈咳嗽
- 头晕
- 胸痛
- 心悸
- 患有哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病 (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD)、心脏病、及糖尿病等既有慢性疾病的人士
- 孕妇
- 婴幼儿
- 长者
- 已确诊呼吸道感染的人士

- 使用便携式高效能空气微粒(High Efficiency Particulate Air, HEPA) 空气净化器来过滤家中某个区域的空气
- 如果没有高效能空气微粒 (HEPA) 空气净化器,请考虑自制一个箱式风扇空气过滤器
- 前往公共场所,诸如社区中心、图书馆和购物中心,这些场所的室内空气通常更清洁、更凉爽
- 在烟雾弥漫的日子应限制活动和户外运动,因为呼吸越用力,吸入的烟雾就越多
- 多喝水有助于减少发炎
- 如果您在户外工作,请使用由职业健康和安全专业人员为您正确佩戴的N95口罩
- 在炎热的日子里,尽可能使用空调、热泵、蒸发式冷却器、风扇和遮光帘,来让空气更清洁,空间保持舒适凉爽。过热会导致严重的健康问题。详细了解有关高温的信息
请在卑诗省疾病控制中心 (BCCDC) 网站查询更多信息,以了解山火烟雾对健康的影响、如何为当季做好准备、以及使用便携式空气净化器来应对山火烟雾。
空气质量健康指数 (Air Quality Health Index, AQHI) 是一种工具,旨在帮助大众了解空气质量会如何影响健康,以及当空气质量不佳时如何保护自己。 该指数基于对细颗粒物 (PM2.5)、地面臭氧 (O3) 和二氧化氮 (NO2) 的测量值,并在卑诗全省各地通报。要了解更多有关该指数的计算方式,请参阅这份卑诗省疾病控制中心 (BCCDC) 资料单张。BCCDC Fact Sheet.
空气质量健康指数 (Air Quality Health Index, AQHI) 是一种工具,旨在帮助大众了解空气质量会如何影响健康,以及当空气质量不佳时如何保护自己。 该指数基于对细颗粒物 (PM2.5)、地面臭氧 (O3) 和二氧化氮 (NO2) 的测量值,并在卑诗全省各地通报。要了解更多有关该指数的计算方式,请参阅这份卑诗省疾病控制中心 (BCCDC) 资料单张。BCCDC Fact Sheet.
请注意温哥华沿岸卫生局 (Vancouver Coastal Health, VCH) 辖区发布的以下空气质量通知:
air quality advisory 当大温哥华区域局 (Metro Vancouver) 和菲沙河谷区域区 (Fraser Valley Regional District) 大部分地区的空气质量暂时恶化或预计很快恶化时,大温哥华区域局会发布空气质量警告。
当本省多个地区正经受山火烟雾影响,或有合理预期将会在 24 至 48 小时内受其影响时,卑诗省环境及气候变化策略厅 (BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy) 会发布烟雾空气公告 (Smoky Skies Bulletin) 。
Wildfire smoke resources
Find more information on the health effects of wildfire smoke, how to prepare for the season and ways to protect health from wildfire smoke.
The BCCDC website provides many factsheets for wildfire smoke. Key factsheets included under the BCCDC resource tab are: Health effects of wildfire smoke, How to prepare for the wildfire smoke season, Portable air cleaners for wildfire smoke, Wildfire smoke and Air Quality Health Index (AQHI), Wildfire smoke during extreme heat events, and Do-It-Yourself air cleaners.
Wildfire smoke: schools and childcare facilities
Vancouver Coastal Health & Fraser Health
Wildfire smoke: community care facilities
Guidance for cleaner air spaces during wildfire smoke events
Health Canada
Planning framework for protecting commercial building occupants from smoke during wildfire events
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Postcard with tips for new parents and young children to protect against wildfire smoke
Vancouver Coastal Health
Summer heat, wildfire smoke and health: Recommended actions for owners and managers of rental and strata housing
Vancouver Coastal Health & Fraser Health
Outdoor gathering guidance for extreme heat and wildfire smoke events
Vancouver Coastal Health & Fraser Health
Health effects of wildfire smoke (PDF)
How to prepare for the wildfire smoke season (PDF)
Portable air cleaners for wildfire smoke (PDF)
Wildfire smoke and air quality (PDF)
The composition of wildfire smoke (PDF)
Wildfire smoke and outdoor exercise (PDF)
Wildfire smoke and Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) (PDF)
Face masks for wildfire smoke (PDF)
Wildfire smoke during extreme heat events (PDF)
Wildfire smoke and pregnancy (PDF)
Do-It-Yourself Air Cleaners (PDF)
Wildfire smoke and outdoor event planning (PDF)
Translated content
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