group of young teens taking a selfie


如果有安全上的緊急顧慮,請致電 9-1-1 或就近前往醫院急診室。

自殺防治專線: 1-800-784-2433

撥打卑詩省危機專線 (BC Crisis Line): 604-310-6789

兒童協助電話 (Kids Hellp Phone): 1-800-668-6868

KUU-US 危機支援專線 (Crisis Support Line)(卑詩全省原住民免費危機與支援專線 (BC Wide Indigenous Toll Free Crisis and Support Line)): 1-800-588-8717


It's ok to ask for help — we're here to help you get started

Mental health and/or substance use problems in childhood and adolescence, if left untreated, can have lasting effects into adulthood. VCH offers mental health information, assessment, consultation and treatment for children and youth.

We encourage you to first connect with the children and youth mental health and/or substance use intake teams; these teams can also refer to many of our mental health and substance use programs.

Find your team

Young diverse friends




查看依照社區列出的溫哥華沿岸衛生局 (Vancouver Coastal Health, VCH) 所有兒童與青少年心理健康和藥物使用服務的完整列表。 許多服務需要保健專業人士的轉介。 每個地點都將包含有關如何獲得服務的資訊(包括轉介資訊)、聯絡資訊和計劃的詳細內容。

下載溫哥華沿岸衛生局 (VCH) 兒童及青少年心理健康服務清單

    • Richmond Community Mental Health and Substance Use - Central Intake

      Anyone of any age can contact our Central Intake Team to learn about Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use services by calling (604) 204-1111.

    • Early Childhood Mental Health Services

    • Eating Disorders Program

    • Integrated Child and Youth Team - Richmond

    • Richmond Family Access Support Team (RFAST)

    • Step Up/Step Down services - Richmond

      This service includes the Team Response to Adolescent & Children in Crisis (TRACC).

    • Youth & Young Adult Drop-In Counselling at Foundry (12-24)

    • Youth & Young Adult Drop-In Counselling at Foundry (12-24)

    • Eating Disorders Program at Foundry

    • Youth Intensive Case Management Teams (YICMT)

    • Youth Peer Support

    • Foundry Works

    • B.C. Child and Youth Mental Health Intake Clinics - Government of B.C.

      If you live in the coastal or Sea to Sky area, please go to BC Child and Youth Mental Health Clinics, operated by the Government of BC, to learn more about mental health intake.

    • Eating Disorders Program at Foundry

    • Youth & Young Adult Drop-In Counselling at Foundry (12-24)

    • Youth Intensive Case Management Teams (YICMT)

    • Youth Peer Support

    • Foundry Works

    • B.C. Child and Youth Mental Health Intake Clinics - Government of B.C.

      If you live in the coastal or Sea to Sky area, please go to BC Child and Youth Mental Health Clinics, operated by the Government of BC, to learn more about mental health intake.

    • Sunshine Coast Youth Program (SCYP)

    • Youth Clinic at Powell River Community Health Centre

    • Youth Clinic at Pender Harbour and District Health Centre

    • Youth Clinic at Sechelt Health Unit

    • Youth Clinic at Gibsons Health Unit

    • B.C. Child and Youth Mental Health Intake Clinics - Government of B.C.

      If you live in the coastal or Sea to Sky area, including the Sunshine Coast & qathet region, please go to BC Child and Youth Mental Health Clinics, operated by the Government of BC, to learn more about mental health intake.

    • B.C. Child and Youth Mental Health Intake Clinics - Government of B.C.

      If you live in the coastal or Sea to Sky area, including the central coast, please go to BC Child and Youth Mental Health Clinics, operated by the Government of BC, to learn more about mental health intake.

Child and youth mental health and substance use resources

為兒童、青少年和家庭提供的過動症資源 ADHD resources for children, youth and families




Indigenous mental health and wellness resources for children, youth and families